Post-graduate studies

Hi, in this blog i'm gonna talk about the post-graduate studies that i'd like to do. I'm gonna be honest, when i was in my first year in anthropology i was thinking to do a diploma in musical anthropology or ethnomusicology in other country. In this moment, this idea is just a dream and i don't really think about to do a diploma, but when i started to search for a diploma for this blog, i found a diploma that interest me a lot. So i'll talk about this.

In the University where i study exist  a diploma about ageing and old age, the name of this in spanish is: "Diplomado Envejecimiento y vejez. Nuevos desafíos para el siglo XXI". How i talked in the last blog, in this moment i'm doing my thesis about the old age, and well, it's the same topic. In the future i hope to do investigation on this particular area and i think that if i do this diploma course, it could expand my knowledge of old age people and i would be able to specialize in this subject.

In the web site of the University you can see the program of this diploma course, when i read it i saw the teachers and found a guest teacher that i really like. She is María Julieta Oddone, she's an argentine anthropologist that i admire.She did some investigations about gender, old age and caregivers, and for me it's very interesting.


  1. And this is a very pertinent topic, especially with the global trend of older populations.

  2. Hi, "antropología de la vejez" is a interest topic which I don't know so much.


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