
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2017

My experience

Well, this is the end, In this occation i will write about my experience with my blog. I really enjoy write in this blog, and i did't think that this was really awesome, because this experience was really fun and i could knew a little more of my classmates, like their animals, their biography, and more. I think that my writing skills have developed a lot, i didn't hope that in this blog, and with this format of study for english help me in the writing skills. Before, Write in English was a great difficult for me, and i hated it, but thanks to this blog i could learned and had a good times. I think it would be a great idea include lyrics of music in english, just because i love the music, also it would be good include excercise of the class and finish escercises that we could not see in classes In the future, i would like write in this blog about my experiencie in social anthropolgy and how is the changed with the comun plan, and... the importance about my family for me or t

My favourite subject

This semester was really boring, ans the subjects too. But, i has a subject that i really was enjoy. This subject was Prehistory 2. The mostly part of the all the class was presentation about the differents cultures in the pre history in america. I really was enjoy this, because i cuould read and learned about cultures like Olmeca and Tiwanaku with a lot of text, but this texts was choice by me and my group, also i can did the tests with a smart partner and great person: Martina <3, and this was really awesome, because we was a great duo. Also, i can went to the museum and did a critic about their, and this inform was like a relief, and in this occation, i really appreciated the great work by the assistan of the teacher, because she is very smart.  I like this subject for three reasons, the first reason because in the previous subject i was one step away from failing the subjects, but this time it went very well. Second, because in this subject i could learned interesting inform

the antropologist that i admire

Margaret Mead. Margaret Mead is the anthropologist that i admire.  She is a great cultural anthropologist, she was born in December 16, 1901 in Philaelphia, Pennsylvania, EEUU, and she died in November 15, 1978 in New York, EEUU, with 75 years. She was married three times, her first marriage was with L uther Cressman, her second husband was Reo Fortune and her last husband was to the bristish anthropologist Gregory Bateson, she had a daughter with him, Mary Catherine Bateson. She estudied her doctorate in anthropology in the Columbia Univesity. In this University she met Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict, they were the biggest support and help to enter ethnography and they were her closet friends, with them she shared the currents of anthropology calleds historical particularism and  cultural relativism She travel to Samoa and Guinea for she did her ethnography. Her greats and more famous text in this places was "Coming of age in Samoa" in 1928 and "Growing

My favourite photograph

My favourite photograph is these: This photograph was taken by my brother, it's a selfie took by him. This photograph shows the great union betwen us, on the left you can see my little brother Cristopher and on the right you can see me xd This picture was taken at the celebration after  I received my diploma, when I left high school in 2015. I like this photo because it is the only one in wich my brother came and asked me for the photo. Why is this important? Well, my brother hates a lot take pictures of him, and especially if it's any picture with me. So, for me at this moment it was important becasue i could see how important that my brother is for me, and how important is my brother's support at all times, specially becaus is the first time when he shows it to me. Now, this year my brother will finish high school and i hope that in this occasion i take the same photograph <3 And this is the new photograph with my brother in his graduation: