My favourite photograph

My favourite photograph is these:

This photograph was taken by my brother, it's a selfie took by him.
This photograph shows the great union betwen us, on the left you can see my little brother Cristopher and on the right you can see me xd This picture was taken at the celebration after I received my diploma, when I left high school in 2015.
I like this photo because it is the only one in wich my brother came and asked me for the photo. Why is this important? Well, my brother hates a lot take pictures of him, and especially if it's any picture with me. So, for me at this moment it was important becasue i could see how important that my brother is for me, and how important is my brother's support at all times, specially becaus is the first time when he shows it to me.
Now, this year my brother will finish high school and i hope that in this occasion i take the same photograph <3

And this is the new photograph with my brother in his graduation:


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