My future Job: Anthropologist

Well, in this blog, i´m gonna talk about my future job. In this moment, i'm study Anthropology in the Universidad de Chile, I'm in my fourth year of the career. So, my future job will be Anthropologist. I considere difficult try to explain it, but in a simple words it is the study of the culture. 

Now, i'm started doing my thesis, and the choice of the theme was about older caregivers, for this reason in the future i hope that i will realizate studies about the older people or the cares . Althought, I'm very excited about my thesis, so much that i'd would like investigate more and more about the older caregivers, i know that is difficult to work on such a specific topic. But, how i like the cares and the older people i think that i would enjoy investigate about this.

I believe that the anthropological investigation could help about to know the reality over the older people, and it`s very important, because the world population is aging, according to the latest sociodemographic figures. And i think this could help make public policy to help older people.

The reason i would like to investigate in the future is because i could talk and realize interviews for the people, and i have enjoyed  talking with people in ethnographies that i have done. I consider important the contact with the people in anthropological studies and really enjoy when i doing it.


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